Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Antique Me

Oh my goodness, I am so tired. I have been painting ALL FA-REAKING day. Ugh. It's still not done too. I guess what do you expect when you stop every few minutes to help kids, cut someones hair, eat, talk, blah, blah, blah. Anyways, I told my friend I would post these pictures tonight so here they are. The picture of the cabinet doesn't give it justice, it has really cute detail to it. Maybe one day I will learn how to take pictures, dang it.

I bought this stereo at D.I. (where else, duh) and these frames at yard sales years back for a dollar each. The books and vase do da, are also from D.I. All I did was paint and antiqued with my Ralph Lauren Faux glaze which I got for FREE (that's right). Home Depot doesn't sell Ralph Lauren anymore but lucky for me they had a can that they used for their painting classes. Since it had been used (maybe once) they gave it to me. Ya, this would be where my friends/family would be embarrassed because I asked them how much I could pay to buy this can of glaze and they told me I could have it for free. So I took it with no hesitation. Although I did have to listen to this lady about how if I wanted to learn more about painting I could come to her house and get some of her books, she even wanted to give me her phone number. I think she had the hots for me (who could blame her though, right?) Right?

Any who, I think this whole project cost me $30. In my opinion it was all worth it. Oh ya, I painted the little round mirror with chalk board paint and then drew on it with chalk to make the details stand out. Clever huh? So there you have it, I am out. Word to your motha.


  1. I love the mirrors! So pretty:)

  2. Your wall looks Great!
    I Love the mirrors and pretty darn clever with the chalkboard paint & chalk ;)

